In the world of social media, you may find that certain people jump on trends and bandwagons to look a certain kind of way to their followers. This isn’t exclusive to social media, either, meaning you may well know people who take up particular hobbies because they think it will make them seem more high-brow.
Users have recently listed the most common activities people pretend to enjoy. Below are the ten most popular responses.
1. Asking Questions at Lectures

One student in the comments said they were convinced that people who ask questions at the end of lectures aren’t interested in the answer. They said: “People who ask long-winded questions during lectures/AMAs/etc that they either don’t really care about or already know the answer to look intelligent.”
2. Luxury Brands

One user said that he didn’t believe people really liked branded clothing. They said: “Some patterns are so ugly, like the Gucci one. The designs are so weird.” Another person added: “I don’t have an issue with luxury brands. I have an issue with the luxury brands that are just the brand logo plastered everywhere.”
3. Long Church Services

A Christian in the comments said no one is interested in overly long services. He said: “Jesus gave the sermon on the mound in like five minutes – get over your ego, pastor!”
4. Wine

One person said they didn’t believe anyone truly likes wine, whether a cheap bottle from a supermarket or a world-famous one. They said: “Everyone’s a sommelier now. The wine snobbiness is getting out of hand.”
5. Philosophy

One Redditor said that no one is interested in philosophy. They said: “People who read philosophy are just doing so to look sophisticated. You might be able to pin them down on a genre, but the authors are always “too obscure”.”
6. Coffee

One user doesn’t believe there are people who truly like obscure coffees. They said: “I went on a date with a guy who called himself a “coffee snob” in the first five minutes. The rest of the date went how you’d expect.”
7. Modern Art

One user took issue with modern art and the people who pretend to like it. They said: “The people who look at modern art installations which consist of a giant white canvas with a small red dot and wax philosophically on how it represents the political landscape of modern society.”
8. New Beer

“One user said that he wasn’t convinced that craft ale was all that it is cracked out to be. They said: “Don’t get me wrong, I like all kinds of beer, even the funky ones (I have my brewers assistant cert). But I think some people take it a bit too far and make it their personalities.”
9. Chess

One person said that Chess was the number one game that these types of people play. They said: “It’s fun, but I do believe that a lot of people play just to seem smart though. Here is a secret…you don’t have to be smart to be good at chess.”
10. Poetry

One Redditor questioned whether poetry was something that people could enjoy. They said: “I unfollowed a dude on Insta, who I knew in real life because he started uploading clips of himself reading poetry to his story. Like c’mon dude, you cannot be this tone-deaf.”
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