Stay-At-Home Mom Wants To Go On Vacation, But Her Husband Refuses Because She Only Works Part-Time

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If you have a young family, you will know all about the politics involved in relation to who does “more.” On the one hand, one of you may go out and work long hours to provide for the family, while the other is more hands-on with the bringing up of the children. 

One Reddit user (32F) has been juggling a part-time job and being the primary caregiver to her and her partner’s children since birth. She now wants to take a quick vacation, but her partner doesn’t think it’s fair or right. Let’s find out more. 

The Situation

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The original poster (OP) explains that she has been with her partner for 12 years, and they have a house, three children, and a dog together. In terms of responsibilities, he walks the dog in the morning and then goes to work from 8 am-6 pm. When he returns from work, he is usually asleep by 8 pm. 

A Break That She Deserves

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On the other hand, OP is effectively fully responsible for their children’s care and every household duty, including laundry, cooking, and cleaning. She is a stay-at-home-mom but also works part-time from home in the evenings when the kids are in bed. 

Recharge and Relax

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OP has a birthday coming up, and she has said that she wants to book a vacation somewhere and go away for a week on her own to recharge and relax. It would mean that her partner has to take a week off work to look after the kids and the house, but she doesn’t see why that’s a problem considering she does it every other week of the year. 

Is She Selfish?

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Unfortunately, OP’s partner disagreed and called her selfish for even considering it. She completely disagrees, as she only wants one week without worrying about a crying child or dirty laundry. Just one week, she doesn’t have to sacrifice her wants for everyone else. 

She says that the last time she had any time away from the house and kids was when they went out for his dinner in March. She doesn’t want or need him to contribute to the vacation payment as she can cover it herself with money from her part-time job. 

Asking For Advice

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Taking to Reddit, she wanted to know if she was being selfish or if others agreed that she deserved a mini break. 

Go, Go, Go

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The vast majority of users who offered advice in the comments were there to back OP up. One of them said: “Your division of home labor is insanely unbalanced, and all of it falls to you. Of course, your husband refuses to let you take a holiday, he’d have to actually lift a finger to parent his own children if you did. Please for your own sake, book that holiday and inform him you will be going.”

He Is Too Comfortable

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Another person suggested that OP’s partner was too comfortable with the current situation and that a week at home could open his eyes. They said:  “Some men convince themselves their full-time job outside the home is harder than staying at home w kids. Yet they never seem to want to switch places.”

Absent Father

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Others were even more scathing and effectively labeled OP’s partner as an absent Father. One user said: “So she’s a single mom with a roommate, basically.”

What Do You Think?

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Is OP being selfish here or is actually her husband that’s being the selfish one by refusing to take a week off work to give her a break for once? Let us know what you think in the comments. 

(Source: Reddit)

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